Intergalactic Education Spring 2018 Newsletter
Mar 13, 2018
Dear Friends, Educators,
and Explorers:
Education is looking forward to SATELLITE 2018 ( where
Space World™ will be on the expo floor. President Justin Park will be there
along with the company’s two newest business outreach representatives Mr. Capp Wiedenhoefer and Mr. Paul Sizemore. They will be working to
raise donations for the Space Foundation with the majority of the proceeds
going toward the purchase of tablet computers for schools throughout Maryland
and Virginia. The tablets will come pre-loaded with a shareware copy of Space
World™ and feature companies who donated to the Space Foundation on behalf of
Intergalactic Education.
Space World™ versions
have undergone heavy optimization for operating systems such as iOS and
Android. Space World™ is now fully functional on the iPad. Intergalactic
Education is thrilled to have Space World™ ready for the Space Foundation’s
philanthropic work. Fortunately for most of our readers, Space World™ is not
just exclusive to schoolkids. The public Space World™ shareware version should
be available in app stores later this month.
Education hired new coder Cody McGinnis this past quarter. He played an
important role in preparing our software for tablet use. Cody “The Coder”
brings a wide range of technical knowhow and programming skills going forward.
Amid this push toward
tablet optimization President Park escaped the office long enough to attend the
SpaceX Falcon Heavy launch. Check out his view (
of this moment in history. Park captured the deft landing of the two side
cores. Unfortunately the pilot for the third core might have benefitted from
additional practice in the Space World™ Falcon landing mini-game
Park also attended
The Graduate School at Penn State education catalyst training. He received
executive advice on educational market sizes and sales cycles.
Education looks forward to seeing many new and old friends at SATELLITE 2018.
If you see us please feel free to strike up a conversation, donate to the Space
Foundation, try the game, or even buy the Space World™ t-shirt that is bound to
be the hottest merch at SATELLITE 2018. Get yours while supplies last!
Remember to track us
on Facebook ( and visit us at
( anytime.
Joe Dowgiallo
Public Relations